Heart, Hands
Health, Hope
Everyone has that project that just pulls at their heart, and becomes something that they just know that they need to assist with, even if it seems like such a small thing to others. Where the difference that you make is, to you, such a small thing. But you never know just how much of an impact that it might have on others. And that someone may notice, and be called to do something that tugs on their heart. And through it all, a fire is ignited, and others jump on board, and before you know it, people are helping others in the smallest ways, and the small difference becomes something that touches many, many lives.
That is exactly what this page is all about. Some of the events we are working with, we have lots of pictures, some stories, and several different team members being a part. Some of the things we do, well they are on a smaller scale but are no less important. Often only one or two team members are a part, no pictures are taken, it isn't announced on social media, and the world continues just as it did the day before. But the difference in the heart lasts for a long time. Here you will find those small things that we do, without fanfare and without social media posts. We hope that you will consider these, see how you can make a difference in a small way, and reach out the next time a special event comes to your town. Trust us, you will notice the difference it makes in your life. Can you imagine the difference it makes in others?
Lunch In The Park: We are all very familiar with the buddy pack, where children with hunger issues are sent home back packs filled with food to get them through the weekend. School breakfast and lunch programs help to supplement their nutritional status through the week. But what happens to the children when school is not in session? This summer, one team member was able to be a part of the lunch in the park program. A church took one week, and for each day Monday through Friday, provided a meal to children in three different locations. Each day was something different, included a bottle of water, and a chance to help a child have a meal which they might not have had otherwise. Hunger happens here, as it does in many different countries in this world. To be able to help feed one child, that is a good thing. To be able to help feed many children, well that is exactly what we need to be doing. So the next time you see an advertisement about a program such as this, step up and volunteer. You might be surprised at the children that you see, and knowing that you made a difference will cause you to start looking for other ways to help. Be a part of the fire...and pass it on!
Foster Children Back To School Fair: There are so very many children in foster care across the country. And that remains true in our own area as well. Some children come into foster care with nothing but the clothes that they are wearing. The foster system tries to clothe, provide healthcare, and a loving home for these children. In the hope that they will grow up healthy, loved, and safe. And educated. These children attend many different schools, and providing school supplies for them can be a daunting task. This year, our local Children's Division held a back to school fair. They contacted the different schools, found out what the students would need, and than sent out requests to many different organizations. We were happy and proud to be able to help provide some school supplies for these children. Our children are our future, and with an education they have a chance to do and become anything that they desire. We hope that these school supplies will help provide them the tools that they need. And that as they learn and grow, they can strive for a future that they can see so clearly in their minds.
Macon Town And Country Fair: Part of the fun of living in the Midwest is the history that we carry along from generation to generation. And for so many of us, this includes the local fairs, where we displayed our livestock, sewing, garden projects, and canning projects. We worked so very hard to groom and sew and weed, and get these projects to go on display. Whether it was a 4H fair, a local fair, or going to the state fair, the hours we put into these projects were well worth the rewards. The Macon Town And Country Fair is our local chance for youngsters to show off all of their hard work with their projects. The winners of the different events are awarded a trophy. This year our team was honored to be able to sponsor one of these trophies. We know that by promoting this type of activity, we are promoting an ethic of hard work in our young people, which will be carried over into their adult years. And we all know that our pre-teen and teenagers are the heart of our future.
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