Heart, Hands
Health, Hope
First Clinics
Demichel, Haiti
     What joy it was to return to where our first clinic was held, the church of Pastor Firmin. We have made trips to this location twice, so this really does feel like coming home. And having so many friends with us, that makes it even better! Many of the ones above have helped with previous clinics. And we enjoy visiting with them again, to see how things are changing not only for them, but for the area.
     We did have several new people this year, including all of our providers. For Dustin, this was his first day at clinic, and a totally different experience for him. Roger and Homayon has again done an amazing job with preparing the clinics, and it is now time for us to reach out to those in need. That is, after all, the reason we follow our hearts and return to this wonderful location each year.
     We hope that you enjoy the photos we are posting, and that, through them, you get a sense of why we do what we do. Of the people we have come to care about, and of those that are definitely in need of help.
     Interested in being in the pictures next year? Contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Our pharmacy table, the start of the day. All medicine was either donated
by friends or family, or purchased by the team.
Lilias, Dustin, and Tiffany getting ready to get busy.
They did an amazing job at triage, seeing patients and making friends.
Pastor Firmin drops in to see everyone, before the start of clinic.
Here he is speaking to Garry.
The view from the clinic. Yes, those are houses up that
hill, built very close together.
Every patient was weighed and measured. The hope is to form a medical
record that can continue with future visits.
Many children were waiting to be seen. Along with them, many older
adults were seeking medical help.
Lilias triages a patient.
Lydia assesses a baby during clinic for malnutrition.
Roger works with 2 translators with the survey computer.
Ian checks out a small patient, while Orlando helps to distract her.
Dustin and Tiffany in a selfie!
Roger waits outside with some children, here to be seen.
View from those waiting outside the clinic.
Our prescription and paperwork.
Wendel translates for Dustin.
Survey to obtain information to help with upcoming clinics.
Ian evaluates the heart of a young patient.
Aerial view of the clinic and those waiting.