Heart, Hands
Health, Hope
Bevier Farmer's Market
    This year has been so hard to try to get through. With all the lock downs that are happening, trying to find a way to fundraise has been more than difficult. So we worked hard to find a way to do this, while remaining safe.
     Bevier has always been a huge supporter of our team and the crafts that we make and sell. So when we had the opportunity to set up on Saturday in the park, social distanced from other tents, we jumped on it! What could be better than to be outside, enjoying the sun and breeze, and hoping to be able to earn some money that could be used to help others.
     Unfortunately, the crowds did not show up, many I am sure out of fear. People who were looking forward to selling items from the garden stayed home. And the event did not last but a couple of weeks.
     We hope that next year things will return to a more normal than we have had this year. We hope that everyone stays safe, and continues to find a way to help others.
Pot holders and etched mugs.
More kitchen items.
This is us!
Hats, crochet, and etched glass.