Heart, Hands
Health, Hope
Clinic Days: Monday and Tuesday
    More photos from our clinic days at Pastor Wilma's clinic. Each day brought a deeper understanding of the reason we were all called to serve in this beautiful country. It brought us closer to each other as friends and team mates, and closer to our own relationships with our Heavenly Father. You can't save them all, you just save the ones that you can, the ones that He knows you can help. We praise Him for His understanding, and we are forever grateful for His love, for us and all of His children, which include the wonderful people of Haiti.
Homayon checks temperature of a girl, waiting to be seen.
Lilias visits with Ronald during a quiet time before the start of the day.
One of the young boys waiting outside the clinic.
A young mother and her daughter wait inside the church.
Many people came to be seen during these two days.
Sharon starts an IV on a dehydrated baby, while Mickey
helps to stabilize the arm.
Liz assess a child for the Mamba program.
Tiffany triages a patient, with the help of translator Gary.
Mickey and Liz, along with Yasmine and Pastor Wilma.
More of those waiting to be seen.
Some of the children want to have their picture taken, like this young boy, and love to smile for the camera.
More of the children seen during the two day clinic in this location.