2018 Hat And Glove Donations
It is always our goal to help those in need, no matter where they live. Need is need, and someone should always be willing to step up and help out others. Be it food, healthcare, housing, or something as simple to many as a pair of gloves and a hat.
Many children in our community are lacking what most people just take for granted. Many go hungry during the day, and often go to bed hungry. Schools help fill the void during the week when schools are in session. Some children lack for basic hygiene supplies, go to school in dirty clothes and often without showering. Some children lack for school supplies, and have trouble doing homework because they don't have paper, pens, pencils, or other necessary school supplies. And some children go to school without protection on their hands or head, protection from the biting winds that are so harsh in the Midwest in the middle of winter. Items that you and I take for granted. Many do without.
This year, our team worked with several area schools to help provide hats and gloves to area school children. We partnered with Callao and Bevier schools to see what the needs of their students were, and than worked to provide the necessary items. These items were given to the schools to donate as they saw the need. We wish to thank the schools for providing us with the numbers needed in each school. We are very grateful to be able to provide back to our community.
Are you ready to help others? Call a school, and see what they feel their children need. Work with them to help provide winter garments, school supplies, money and items for a buddy pack, or even buy some lunches to be used for children that just do not have enough to eat. You don't have to see these children, just knowing that you have helped will brighten your day.
Pictured above is team member Dianna and 2 members of the Callao School, accepting the donation. The children pictured were just interested in having their picture taken! We love kids and the hearts that they have.